TextMyGov is a fully automated service for our residents to easily find information and report problems. The Village is utilizing this technology to provide exceptional communication, convenience, and attention to detail in the services we provide.


Short, concise prompts are best.  Here are a few examples to get you started:

Text "Report" if you wish to report an issue with potholes, street lights, signage, parking meters, flooding, or other similar issues.

Text "Code" if you wish to report issues with the village code such as property maintenance, abandoned vehicles, graffiti, noise complains, or other similar issues.

Text "Contact" for a directory of phone numbers and addresses.

Text "Recreation" for information about all of the recreational programs we offer.

Text "Silver Threads" for information about our popular Silver Threads senior program.


Send us a text at 516-518-3332 to see what it's all about!


Please note: As the system is used, automated keywords and responses will slowly be improved.  If your first attempt doesn't get you the information you're looking for, please try another keyword.