Village Court FAQ

Where are you located?

Our address is 195 Rockaway Ave. Valley Stream, NY 11580

What are your hours?
Office hours are 8 AM to 4 PM (payment window open 8:15AM to 3:45PM), Monday through Friday.
Court begins at 6 PM. Check website for schedule.

Moving violations:

I have been issued a moving violation by a police officer. What do I do now?

You may plead guilty in person or by mail. Sign Part A, return it to this office with a copy of your license. You will receive a fine letter. (payments must be by money order or certified check, or in person with cash or credit card - Visa or Mastercard – with photo ID).

You may plead not guilty by signing Part B, and returning it to this office with a copy of your license or photo ID. You will receive a letter scheduling you for a conference.

Does this violation carry points?

All points are assessed by the NYS DMV. Please check their website for information regarding points.

Parking tickets:

The meter was broken. What can I do?

Contact this office as soon as possible so that a report can be made, and the meter inspected.

I want to plead not guilty to a parking ticket. How can I do that?

You may mail your plea to this office. You will receive a letter scheduling you for a court date.